
Adult Medicine, Behavioral Health and Disease Management. Specialty Services include: cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, infectious disease, nutrition, nephrology, neurology, neurosurgery, oncology and hematology, pain management, ophthalmology, oral–facial surgery...

Comprehensive Health Center providing Primary Adult Health Care, Pediatric Health Care, Women’s Health, Dental, Gastroenterology, Chronic Disease Management, Pain Management, Information/Health Education, Mental Health, Psychiatric Treatment, Podiatry (Foot Care), Nutrition, Medical Insurance...

Comprehensive Health Center providing Primary Adult Health Care, Pediatric Health Care, Women’s Health, Dental, Gastroenterology, Chronic Disease Management, Pain Management, Information/Health Education, Mental Health, Psychiatric Treatment, Podiatry (Foot Care), Nutrition, Medical Insurance...

Free harm reduction services including acupuncture, needle exchange, behavioral health program, social work, hot lunches, showers, men and women's support groups, and educational programs

Family Health Center of Harlem offers health care services including: Behavioral Health, Primary Care, Dental Care, Insurance Enrollment and Social Services, Diabetes Care, Services for HIV/AIDS and Women’s Health Care