
Offers Health Home services, Case Management, Medical services, Education, HIV and STI testing, housing services, counseling, legal services, syringe exchange and pharmacutical services

Offers Health Home services, Case Management, Medical services, Education, HIV and STI testing, housing services, counseling, legal services, syringe exchange and pharmacutical services

LGBTQ Homeless Youth Drop-In Center. Also offers Health Home services, Case Management, Medical services, Education, HIV and STI testing, housing services, counseling, legal services, syringe exchange and pharmacutical services

Ages 16-24. Emergency housing, transitional housing, and social services for homeless LGBTQ young people. Day program, street outreach, case management, medical care, HIV testing and counseling, mental health, food, showers, employment assistance, and housing.

Assistance for people who are homeless or at risk, including: problems at shelters and intake centers; benefits; mailing address; housing; referrals for: shelter, clothing, food, counseling, legal services, recovery and detox, job training, medical and mental health services, domestic violence...