Facial & Vocal Surgery
Facial & Vocal Surgery

Gender Affirming Facial Surgery
Also known as ‘Facial Feminizing Surgery (FFS)’ or ‘Facial Masculinizing Surgery.’ These are a collection of procedures designed to change the bone structure of the face and reshape features that resulted from our first puberty.
Surgical Facial Procedures could include bringing the hairline further forward, shaving down or entirely recontouring the forehead and sinus area by cutting and repositioning bones (osteotomies), shaving the jaw line or reducing and repositioning of the jaw bone (a reduction or sliding genioplasty), lifting the upper lip, nose reconstruction or a ”nose job” (rhinoplasty), fat grafting, implants and tracheal shave (cricothyroid cartilage reduction).
The same procedures can be performed in reverse for masculinization.
Non-Surgical Facial Procedures could include the use of injectable or topical treatments to address scarring from shaving or previous facial procedures, hair growth or restoration or as an option for folks that cannot access surgical procedures at this time.
Vocal surgery can raise the pitch of the voice, but it may also reduce vocal range.
Insurance and surgeons usually require Vocal Therapy before and after vocal surgery. Some of us may have significant results from vocal therapy alone and choose to not have surgery. Vocal surgeons usually have therapists that they refer patients to and are familiar with their requirements for preparing for surgery. These visits help us work with our vocal cords to change the vocal range of our voices when we speak. They also help prepare our bodies for recovery and the vocal therapy that is required to complete after surgery. Speech-Language Pathologists have special training to prevent vocal misuse and vocal damage.
Vocal surgery can raise the pitch of the voice, but it may also reduce vocal range. Total Vocal Rest for up to a few weeks is standard for recovery from these procedures. Complications can include having a raspy or strained voice after surgery.